ose savoir!

Les plus grands, ce sont ceux qui ont su donner aux hommes l'espoir.


I don't wanna grow up, I'm a ToysRUs kid...

Well, quite a lot has happened since my last post. Monday the 6th was my birthday. Twenty-three. Wow. I don't feel that old, but, you know, it really starts to sink in as all of your friends start going their own ways in the real world--getting jobs, settling down, getting married. It's really rather overwhelming. But, I'm not in a huge hurry to do any of those things. Maybe that's why I'm running away to Europe for a couple months--to avoid making real decisions about my life? Who knows.

Anyway, my birthday was quaint, which was nice. I love my family and don't know what I would do without them. It wasn't the shore, and it wasn't all of my crazy family--but it was still nice. I didn't get to go to the Irish Festival in Doublin like I had wanted because of the rain, but it's ok. I wanted to thank everyone who sent cards, presents, phone calls, and birthday wishes--you made my day <333

What else has happened since then? I got to spend a wonderful weekend with the lovely Juliann Zaylor and Paul Wariner. Paul's hockey coach was getting married and they came to Athens for the wedding. It was great to see them. Along those lines, my grandparents came down for a weekend, and my Aunt Sue, Uncle Brad, and cousin Kandice drove down for the day on Sunday. I'm so glad that so many of my friends and family are making an effort to come see me before I leave, it makes me feel special and loved. It will be great to remember and look back on when I start to feel lonely in France.

This week is the last week of classes. My last day with the students is tommorrow, and then there is a party for all of the English for All students and teachers on Thursday. It will be a nice end to the summer. I will finally have time to breathe, but I am going to miss my students. They are wonderful. Today Vance and Squeak are coming for most of our furniture so all that will be left in the APT is the couch and my bedroom stuff. Today I'm going to pack up the majority of my dishes and kitchen utensils/appliances. It's getting empty, almost time to be out...

I am; however, going to continue working at Scripps through the end of August and maybe the first week of September. I need the cash, that's all there is to it. So, if you live in Athens and wouldn't mind having me on your couch for a night or two, you should let me know! : )

I don't have time right now to post the rest of the developments, but I wanted to get something up--it has been so long since I've posted. I guess I'll just have to keep you in suspense until I have time to post again...


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