ose savoir!

Les plus grands, ce sont ceux qui ont su donner aux hommes l'espoir.


The Cliffs of Moher

The cliffs of Moher. These pictures did not come out particularly well because it was raining. You cans till tell how breath taking the cliffs were though.

This is Haika, the German woman I met. She was in Galway for two weeks studying English. She was very nice and great company for the day.

When I was up here I met a man who asked to photograph the back of my jacket. He said that his buddy used to play rugby for OSU and would never believe that he met someone with a OU rugby jacket on in Ireland. I should have told him that our two teams don't exactly get along well.

Me, all soaking wet.

Me again, this time you can tell how windy it was. The wind would literally push me a couple feet at a time. Our guide was telling us that a tourist got blown off the cliffs and died a couple weeks ago, apparently it is a fairly common occurance. Maybe I'm losing my backbone in my old age, but I was too nervous to go to the edge where there wasn't a wall. Especially since the ground was all muddy and slippery.

This is the visitors' center. I'm going to show my geeky side here, but most of you already know me and are aware that I am an avid science fiction reader. Does this make anyone else think of the Shire? Seriously, almost exactly what I pictured a hobbit's abode to look like.

1 comment:

Nicky @ Eat, Run, Read said...

This pictures are gorgeous. SOOO jealous. You're looking at picturesque cliffs in foreign countries and I'm writing papers in Athens. So not the same.
