ose savoir!

Les plus grands, ce sont ceux qui ont su donner aux hommes l'espoir.


Marché and Fête du Vins à Carca

I've never seen so many types of olive in my life! YUCK!

The fête du vins is a type of festival where all of the caves reveal their wines for the new year. There was a degustation (wine tasting) at each one of these tents. There must have been at least 30 different caves present!

There was also a band walking around town to celebrate the fête!

Each vendor that sells eggs always has their LIVE chickens at the market. I don't know if this is to show what stock the eggs come from or if they actually are selling the live chickens. Maybe I will ask some day.

YUCK! Oysters. Lots and lots and lots of Oysters. Those plates are there so that you can taste them raw before you buy them. I'm not sure I could ever try this...ummm, delicacy.

A weird mellon that I have never seen before. It is in the shape of a pumpkin, but brownish green instead orange. I will have to ask what it is called. I've had it in the cafeteria before, though, and it is very good! Much sweeter and juicier than most cantalope I have had.

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