ose savoir!

Les plus grands, ce sont ceux qui ont su donner aux hommes l'espoir.


Around the Town: Part 3

It's fall in Limoux! How gorgeous!

You might not be able to find a trash can in France, but more than likely you will be able to find one of these stands that distribute bags to pick up after your puppy. This in the country where free public toilets don't exist. When I lived in Tours they even had little police guys who went around on scooters with these little things that sucked up dog poop. Dogs are everywhere in France. Everyone has one, and they take them everywhere--including in stores!

These posters are allllllll over town. There are trying to get people to boycott CocaCola products. They read: Let's not finance death!

This clown bush is in the center of one of the main roundabouts leading into town. The people here are very proud of their famed Carnival. Also, manicured shubbery in general seems to be pretty popular here though not normally in the shape of a clown. hah.

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