ose savoir!

Les plus grands, ce sont ceux qui ont su donner aux hommes l'espoir.


Around the Town: Part 2

Again, looking down the tracks toward the station, but zoomed in on the station.

Again, sideways. But this is a view looking down the train tracks toward the station.

I know, I know...it's sideways, but this is a close up of the front of the train station.

The front of the train station...

A view looking at the back of the main train station in Limoux. It's closed in this picture because it is Sunday.

Most people(at least that I've seen; although, I know I'm making a rash overgeneralization) in France don't have or use a dryer. Instead they have drying racks or hang their clothes from their windows like you can see here.

Another view of the Aude as it winds its way through town.

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